Friday, June 4, 2010

Whale Sharks

This 'Papa Schillingis' was encountered by Team SeaRaider at 10:45.
That is, 10 mi. offshore in 45 ft. of water.
'Papa Schilingis' comes from an old Kenya myth claiming that God threw schillings upon the beast, thus giving it its spots, and that encounters with the creature bring wealth and prosperity.

Is the presense of these 'filter feeders'
near shore confirming what divers and
fishermen observe and scientists fear?
That is, animal behavoral changes are a precurser to planet change?

Small bait fish are but one part
of the whale sharks diet.
The largest
of the fish species
mainly feeds on the
smallest elements in the food chain.

Macro-alge, plankton, krill and crab larvae feed whale sharks to recorded lengths of over 40 ft weighing over 40, 000 lbs.
Could a species of adaptation and survival for 60 million years
be trying to tell us something?
Does the whale shark's unique sieve-like filtration system
which allows only water to pass thru the gills hold the key to
filtering the 'oil spill' from our living waters?

And that my friend, is the 'Word on the Water'

1 comment:

  1. Great, we need more of this. The whale sharks are in real trouble right now and their population is dwindling. Educate yourself by viewing:
